Advocate of Entropy

Nothing is Lost. If the TV's still on.

Category: Blogs & Tumblrs

Signs from the near Future

This tumblr predicts how warning signs, alarms, signals and other visual content might look in the near future. Personally I like the driver-free taxi, because taxi drivers tend to give me the chills, when they try to make conversation. Also I’d like to see how it scares shit out of people, when this yellow driverless bug comes around the corner with the back full of people.

The Druids


Druids have become, in the modern lexicon, a symbol of Celtic magic or mysticism. Part of that is the fault of the early Christians in Britain and Ireland; they portrayed druids as the keepers of the old religion who had to be outshone in order to usher in the new; Columba defeats a Druid several times in bringing Christianity to Brude, king of the Picts. No doubt stories abounded about Patrick accomplishing the same feats in Ireland.

Part of the problem also has to do with our perceptions of magic. Today we see the craft as the province of people who study for years, people who go by the names of witches and wizards. But that was not the case in the ancient and medieval worlds. As has been seen, bards were wordsmiths, and for that reason their creations had a supernatural quality. The king’s power over his people rested…

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The Socio-Economic Importance of the Bard


As someone who has studied the “Arthurian period” at length I have noticed some things that irritate and frighten me. First Knight comes to mind, being wrong in its interpretation and understanding of the story, in error about the love triangle, the philosophies involved, and the armaments. But I have learned to live with it and media like it. After all if a person wants the romantic delusions of the Arthurian period they are either going to enjoy it blissfully or enjoy it despite me.

But for those who want to understand, the socio-economic situation was a fascinating one. Today I would like to start with the bard. Bards have been explained as the storytellers, the entertainers, the keepers of culture. And they were. There is no accurate source that tells us how long they studied their craft, or exactly what they had to learn before they were allowed to…

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